Tube stop
Posted by Graeme Lyons , Wednesday, 18 May 2011 16:07
Sadly I have had a flare up with my back again today which came out of the blue and meant I had to leave a meeting in Lewes. I got the train home and walked up from London Road station where I bumped into this spider. It is the much commoner relative of the huge spider with green chelicerae I saw in Chichester about month ago, this one is Segestria senoculata and it also builds a tube web in old walls. Reading up on natural history so that you recognise species before you have ever seen them is a really good thing as far as I'm concerned. I'm hoping that half a day's rest will be enough to stop my back from getting any worse and hope to be back at work tomorrow.
Shame you had to leave, we talked about how valuable it was having a monitoring officer! (We have neither budget nor officer for monitoring)