Spot the Wild Gladiolus
Posted by Graeme Lyons , Tuesday, 31 May 2011 20:46
So I have finally ticked Wild Gladiolus. I managed to find four plants but it wasn't in flower and looked very like Creeping Soft-grass from a distance that was growing everywhere. I feel slightly cheated at not having seen the flowers but then the leaves are glaucous so who needs a big pink show off? Other than that today was pretty quiet. I did get a few shots but nothing else new. The Rose Chafer that landed in front of us gave me some excitement when I thought I had found a Noble Chafer. It flew off before I could get a good look at it but I am sure it was just a Rose Chafer. Here is Triplax russica that I found near some fungus on fallen Beech.
I should have known this in the field but I realised today that I didn't know the song of Mottled Grasshopper. Anyway, here it is with its distinct clubbed antennae.
I was really pleased to find another Stictoleptura scutellata today but this time an ovipositing female! This is still the only longhorn beetle I have seen in the New Forest. Off to the Isle of Wight for the first time tomorrow!
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