Box office hit
Posted by Graeme Lyons , Tuesday, 8 May 2012 22:06
I spotted this Box Bug Gonocerus acuteangulatus today on some Brambles right outside my office, only the second time I have seen this in Sussex and the first chance I have had to get a decent shot of one. I carried on with my aquatic invertebrate survey of the lake at Woods Mill today and was rewarded with one new species, the rather grandly named Demetrias imperialis. This a striking little carabid with a strange pattern, I will try and get a photo tomorrow. It's nationally scarce and I netted two around the edge of the lake in the reeds. It's my 3883rd species! There are lots of specimens to go through from today, I did notice a few things I could do in the field like Water Stick Insect and Water Ladybird but most will be microscope jobs. Happy days!
Reminds me of the Coreus I have on or have i got ID's wrong?
From two sites I have named same species but doubting a bit now.