
Here are the courses I am going to be running in 2016. To book, please call 01273 497561 or email Please mention this reference when booking. For more information, see the courses section of the Sussex Wildlife Trust website.

Woodland Mosses and Liverworts       28th February 2016                           Woods Mill
This course is those with some botanical experience who want to extend their knowledge to these fascinating lower plants. You will lean the anatomy of mosses and liverworts, good places to find them and the identification of around 20 of our commonest woodland species.

An Introduction to Beetles            10th June 2016                                            Woods Mill
Learn the anatomy of beetles, some families and how to find them. After an hour or two inside, the majoity of this course will be outside at Woods Mill finding beetles in the field by sweeping, beating, sieving and pond-netting. Last year we found several scarce beetle new to the site too.

Identifying Grasses, Sedges & Rushes               1st & 2nd July 2016                Woods Mill
This classic course is always full. The first day looks at grasses, the second day sedges and rushes. Attendees will go away with a far greater understanding of this difficult but critical group of vascular plants. Specimens will be brought in from other habitats. This course often has a waiting list so book early to avoid disappointment!

Introduction to Fungi                                   3rd November 2016                   Ebernoe Common
After a brief indoor talking talking about fungi anatomy, we will visit Ebernoe Common in West Sussex where over a 1000 species of fungi have been recorded. We would expect to see Garlic Parachutes, Clouded Agarics, Punk Waxcaps, Scarlet Caterpillar-clubs, Magpie Inkcaps and many many more.

Habitat Management for Invertebrates              16th December 2016                   Woods Mill
A valuable course looking at broad principles in habitat management for invertebrates. Mainly a classroom based course with an excursion around Woods Mill to look at management of habitats and micro-habitats for invertebrates that are often over-looked.

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