
Sunday 12 January 2020

My 1000th post!


I noticed just the other day that my next post would be my 1000th! I have nearly been blogging for ten years and blocking up people's feeds with gibberish about wildlife for so long I can't remember not doing it. DID I used to NOT write this blog? I can't be sure. Can anyone remember not reading it? 

I had an interesting day doing some casual recording at Castle Hill on the edge of Brighton in my home 10 km square today. It's the first time I have gone out with my suction sampler for ages, well for 12 days to be precise. An electric suction-sampler is such a great way to terminate boring conversation in the field, just turn it on and instantly your friend's incessant monologues are drowned out as you collect a hat full of spiders! It's the gift that keeps on giving. (Carole, I only wrote this because you said my blogs used to be funny, I didn't mean it. I could still hear you).

I was trying not to focus just on spiders but I kind of found myself focusing rather a lot just on spiders. Carole Mortimer was keen to spend some time at an NNR with me recording spiders so we did just that and I managed 28 species, 18 of which were new to the 10 km square. I feel quite embarrassed by that as I live in it and did quite a bit of spider recording last year. The species above is the nationally scarce/S.41 Ozyptila nigrita. It's fairly regular on the chalk in the summer but I have never seen it in January before as an adult, no one has it would seem looking at the scheme. Both male and female were present today. I didn't see this until mid April last year. These warm winters are odd.

I took a  load of linys home and amazingly got a lifer! So a species I clearly didn't see last year. A female Diplocephalus picinus. Not scarce but clearly not common in Sussex.

And earlier, another spider that I have only recorded twice, both at 450 m in the Peak District and never in Sussex. The first Sussex record of Poeciloneta variegata since 2007 (and the first East Sussex one since 2004).

Here is today's list with those in bold new to the 10 km square and cons statuses in brackets. The four scarce things are all good chalk-grassland species.

Agalenatea redii
Centromerita concinna
Cnephalocotes obscurus
Diplocephalus picinus
Ero cambridgei
Euophrys frontalis
Gonatium rubens
Hypsosinga albovittata (NS)
Hypsosinga pygmaea
Mangora acalypha
Meioneta rurestris
Meioneta simplicitarsis (NS)
Micrargus herbigradus
Microlinyphia pusilla
Neottiura bimaculata
Ozyptila brevipes
Ozyptila nigrita (NS, S.41)
Pachygnatha degeeri
Palliduphantes ericaeus
Panamomops sulcifrons (NS)
Pelecopsis parallela
Pholcomma gibbum
Pisaura mirabilis
Poeciloneta variegata
Selimus vittatus
Tenuiphantes tenuis
Zora spinimana
Zygiella atrica

So if you make a site list of spiders (28), add it to the spiders you have recorded in your flat this year (3), apparently that's year-listing spiders but as I said earlier, I AM DEFINITELY NOT YEAR-LISTING SPIDERS.

I end the day on 31 spiders for the year 



  1. I reckon 450 is do-able if you were to throw Scotland into the mix. Has that ever been achieved, do you know - like ever? Pity you definitely ARE NOT doing spiders this year...

  2. Think I've probably read all 1000! Always a good read. Nearly persuaded me to look at spiders...nearly. Good job you're not Year Listing them in 2020

  3. Congratulations Graeme - it's great you're recording your interest and letting us know about relevant ideas. Good luck with the time going forward ... here's to another 1,000 posts - cheers Hilary

  4. Seth, I might take you up on that this year! How well recorded are the spiders by you?
