Rare bee flips me the middle finger

Posted by Graeme Lyons , Friday, 27 May 2016 11:31

Last week we carried out an invertebrate survey at Seaford Head and it was peak Potter Flower Bee Anthophora retusa time. We saw lots more retusa than we did plumipes but it was great to catch them and see the differences so clearly. We found them on three of the seven compartments we looked at. I struggled to get decent photos that show the critical identification features that separate them from plumipes but here are the best. Above is the female and below is the male.

I was frustrated at these shots but never mind. In this one he even seems to be 'flipping me the middle finger' (or front tarsus to be precise), which my camera kindly focused on.

I also saw Bryony Mining-bee Andrena florea for the first time. Yesterday, I must of seen 50 of them at Friston Forest where it was the commonest bee.

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